Smart Cities: Unraveling The Cycling City

Unraveling the Cycling City

Chapter 1: A historical perspective
Chapter 2: The urban environment
Chapter 3: A robust network
Chapter 4: Co evolution of design and behavior

Week 1: A Historical Perspective

Key Concepts
Describe the historical development of Dutch cycling
Describe the possible sociological effects of a cycling culture
Employ a historical example of cycling in your region to illustrate how cycling went boom
How Dutch cycling is not in the genes, but involved radical policy choices

Intro: Historical perspective: Is cycling in the Dutch genes?

1.1   How the dutch got their cycle paths
1.2   Why and for whom were bicycle parhs built?
1.3   The prime minister bikes to work
Why we cycle (Video on Demand)
1.4   A dutch cycling culture?

Week 2: The urban environment

Key Concepts
Summarize the reciprocal interactions between land use and transport
Describe the relevance of land use density and diversity for cycling environments
Recognize the synergies of combined cycling and transit

Intro: How does environment shape mobility behavior and vice-versa?

2.1 The Netherlands and Europe in Context
2.2 The relationship between land use and transport
2.3 Making cycling (and transit) the default choice
2.4 Connecting Social and Spatial Environments

Week 3: The street within a network

Key Concepts
Choose a way to conceptualize the street and bikepaths
Outline the arrogance of space approach and its limits
Describe the relevance of a full cycle network

Intro: Can we reimagine the street?

3.1 Understanding Cyclists' Behaviour
3.2 Slow Car or a Fast Pedestrian?
3.3 Is there such a thing as a 'just' street?
3.4 What are bicycle highways?

Week 4: The co-evolution of design and behavior

Key Concepts
Explain why different road users break the law
Illustrate cyclists' interaction through the use of analogies
Apply pattern language to create context-sensitive bicycle infrastructure design

Intro: How do we design around cycling behaviour?

4.1 Why do cyclists break rules?
4.2 Scofflaw cycling
4.3 Swarm behavior
4.4 Pattern Language

Week 5: Final assignment

Key Concepts
Develop a supported reflection essay on your learnings 
Recommend improvements for the essays of your peers





Tourism Specialized Cycling Promoter
Quito - Ecuador


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